Donate and/or Support
You will not receive auto-dialer (robo calls) phone calls from me asking for Donations. In any of my campaign material, the request for donations will be in smaller print. It is generally accepted that the winners in elections are largely determined by the size of their “war-chestâ€, the amount of donations each receives. Now… why would anyone vote for me; Mr. NO-Name, from NO-where, with NO-money? Hopefully, you will learn my values in this website and you will agree with most of them and then…. you will vote to send me, as your Citizen Warrior, to go to Congress and fight for our values and the values of our Founding Fathers.

The following are several ways you may donate to “Marko’s Campaign Account for U.S. Representative District 9â€. As a reminder, an individual cannot donate more than $2,600 by check or credit card, or more than $100.00 in bills and coin. Regardless of the maximum amounts, ANY amount you donate; $5, $10, $20, or more.... will be sincerely appreciated. It tells me that you find my values are enough like your values, that you care enough to let me know through a donation. More valuable than any monetary donation is your VOTE -- and for that, I’ll be extremely grateful. If we should meet, a hug or handshake will also be sincerely appreciated.
ATTENTION DONORS: Compliance with Federal Law and the Federal Election Commission is required – for any individual making a political contribution, which is over $200, the required information must be reported. If the amount is not over $200, only the full name and amount is needed. See Federal Election Commission, Form 3 Instructions, “Report of Receipts and Disbursementsâ€;
For amounts over $200, the following information is required:
Full Name: (First, Middle name/initial, Last name)
Mailing address: (include ZIP code)
Occupation: (principle job title or position)
Name of his/her employer: (Name of organization or person who is employer)
Amount/Date: (Date and amount of contribution)
If contribution is by electronic means, the required information may be provided by email ( I regret this imposition on your generosity, but I must be compliant with the law. Thank you.
By Mail:
P.O. Box 700999
St. Cloud, Florida 34771
By Credit Card or PayPal:

Referring to donations; "It's legal bribery of candidates. And that repayment may be in the form of an ambassadorship to someone who has raised three or four hundred thousand dollars to help a candidate get elected." And to the donors; “many of whom know that they are making an investment in how they are going to be treated by the winner after the election is over." Former President Jimmy Carter, 1924-present, term of office 1977-1981.
Comment from Marko: I will gratefully accept donations, but will give no favor or special consideration to anyone who donates to my campaign. I will, however, show my appreciation with a smile, and handshake, and an earnest, “Thank youâ€.
If anyone shares my passion for wanting to fight for the values that made our country great, AND if you would like to be involved in the election battle, here are some suggestions.
If you would like to carry some of my political business cards to hand out, I’ll send you some. The cards contain my website address, which hopefully, anyone you give a card to will go to the website and learn more.
If you would also like some bi-fold hand outs for “Marko4Congressâ€, let me know and I’ll send you some.
If you would just like to chat with me, call me and we can talk.
If you would like me to appear before any group of people to talk about who I am and my values and political planks, just let me know and I’ll be there. Just give me some notice for scheduling.
If anyone would like to interview me, just ask.
If you would like to participate in my blog, you are welcome.
If you would like to join me on twitter – great.
If you have any other ideas on how you can help in the battle, please contact me.
If you just mention my name to a friend – thank you.
REMEMBER -- This isn't only my battle, it's OUR Battle, and it is a battle for OUR Future.